A Tibetan Monk Diet
By Peter Kelder and Colonel Bradford
from The Five Rites at http://chetday.com/fiverites.php
.... after the tenth week Colonel Bradford no longer
attended each weekly meeting. However, he still kept up his
interest in the "Himalaya Club," and from time to time
would speak on various subjects which would aid them in
their work.
Sometimes the members requested him to advise them on some
particular subject. For instance, we discussed among our
selves one night the tremendously important part that food
played in our lives. How the right food would make us more
alive and vigorous while the wrong food would make us
sluggish and dull.
None of us knew much about the subject, however, so we
requested the Colonel to advise us at our next meeting as
to the Lamas' policy regarding food.
"In the Himalayan Lamasery where I was a neophyte," said
the Colonel, in addressing us the following week, "there
are no problems concerning the right foods, nor in getting
sufficient food. Each of the Lamas does his share of the
work in producing what is needed. Furthermore, all the work
is done by the most primitive means. Even the soil is
spaded by hand. Of course, the Lamas could use horses and
plows if they so desired, but direct contact with the soil,
handling it and working with it, seems to add something to
man's existence. Personally, it made me feel very strongly
that I was a part of the Universal. Not merely working with
it or working for it but rather that the Universal and I
were one.
"Now it is true that the Lamas are vegetarians, but not
strictly so. They do use eggs, butter, and cheese in
quantities sufficient to serve certain functions of the
brain, body, and nervous system. But aside from this they
do not need meat, for all who are strong and virile, and
who practice Rite Number Six have no need of meat, fish, or
"Most of those who join the ranks of the Lamas are men of
the world who know little about proper food and diet. Yet
they are only in the Grand Retreat in the Himalayas a very
short while when they begin to show wonderful signs of
physical improvement, due no doubt to the diet in the
"No Lama is choosy about his meals. He can't be because
there is little to choose from. A Lama diet consists of
good, wholesome food but as a rule it consists of but one
article of food to a meal that in itself is a secret of
"When one eats just one kind of food at a time there can be
no clashing of foods in the stomach. Foods clash in the
stomach because starches will not mix with proteins. For
example, bread, which is starchy, when eaten with meats,
eggs, or cheese, which are protein, sets up a reaction in
the stomach which often causes not only immediate physical
pain, but which contributes as well to a short life and a
not particularly merry one.
"Many times in the Lamasery dining hall I have set down to
the table along with the Lamas and eaten a meal consisting
solely of bread. At other times I have had nothing but
fresh vegetables and fresh fruits, while at still another
meal I ate nothing but cooked vegetables and cooked fruits.
At first I greatly missed the large variety of foods to
which I had been accustomed; but after a short while I
could eat and enjoy a meal consisting of nothing but dark
bread or some one particular fruit. Sometimes it would be a
feast of one vegetable.
"The point I wish to bring out to you gentlemen is not that
you should resign yourselves to a diet of one kind of food
to a meal but that you should keep starches, fruits, and
vegetables separate from meats, fish, and fowl at your
"It is permissible to make a meal of just meat. In fact,
you could have several kinds of meats to a meal. You can
have butter, eggs, and cheese with the meat meal, and dark
bread, and, if you wish, coffee, or tea, but you must not
end up with anything sweet or starchy. No pies or cakes or
"Then again, your meal can be strictly starches. Then you
can indulge in all the sweet fruits, all the bread, butter,
pies, cakes, puddings, and fresh or cooked vegetables you
like with out feeling any ill effects. But keep these meals
"Butter seems to be a neutral. It can be used with either a
starchy meal or with a meat meal. Milk, however, agrees
better with starch meals. Coffee and tea should always be
taken black, never with cream, although a small amount of
sweetening will do no harm."
Note from Chet: If you liked what you just read, you'll
love "Supercharge Your Energy with Five Secret Tibetan
Rejuvenation Rites." Details at
By Peter Kelder and Colonel Bradford
from The Five Rites at http://chetday.com/fiverites.php
.... after the tenth week Colonel Bradford no longer
attended each weekly meeting. However, he still kept up his
interest in the "Himalaya Club," and from time to time
would speak on various subjects which would aid them in
their work.
Sometimes the members requested him to advise them on some
particular subject. For instance, we discussed among our
selves one night the tremendously important part that food
played in our lives. How the right food would make us more
alive and vigorous while the wrong food would make us
sluggish and dull.
None of us knew much about the subject, however, so we
requested the Colonel to advise us at our next meeting as
to the Lamas' policy regarding food.
"In the Himalayan Lamasery where I was a neophyte," said
the Colonel, in addressing us the following week, "there
are no problems concerning the right foods, nor in getting
sufficient food. Each of the Lamas does his share of the
work in producing what is needed. Furthermore, all the work
is done by the most primitive means. Even the soil is
spaded by hand. Of course, the Lamas could use horses and
plows if they so desired, but direct contact with the soil,
handling it and working with it, seems to add something to
man's existence. Personally, it made me feel very strongly
that I was a part of the Universal. Not merely working with
it or working for it but rather that the Universal and I
were one.
"Now it is true that the Lamas are vegetarians, but not
strictly so. They do use eggs, butter, and cheese in
quantities sufficient to serve certain functions of the
brain, body, and nervous system. But aside from this they
do not need meat, for all who are strong and virile, and
who practice Rite Number Six have no need of meat, fish, or
"Most of those who join the ranks of the Lamas are men of
the world who know little about proper food and diet. Yet
they are only in the Grand Retreat in the Himalayas a very
short while when they begin to show wonderful signs of
physical improvement, due no doubt to the diet in the
"No Lama is choosy about his meals. He can't be because
there is little to choose from. A Lama diet consists of
good, wholesome food but as a rule it consists of but one
article of food to a meal that in itself is a secret of
"When one eats just one kind of food at a time there can be
no clashing of foods in the stomach. Foods clash in the
stomach because starches will not mix with proteins. For
example, bread, which is starchy, when eaten with meats,
eggs, or cheese, which are protein, sets up a reaction in
the stomach which often causes not only immediate physical
pain, but which contributes as well to a short life and a
not particularly merry one.
"Many times in the Lamasery dining hall I have set down to
the table along with the Lamas and eaten a meal consisting
solely of bread. At other times I have had nothing but
fresh vegetables and fresh fruits, while at still another
meal I ate nothing but cooked vegetables and cooked fruits.
At first I greatly missed the large variety of foods to
which I had been accustomed; but after a short while I
could eat and enjoy a meal consisting of nothing but dark
bread or some one particular fruit. Sometimes it would be a
feast of one vegetable.
"The point I wish to bring out to you gentlemen is not that
you should resign yourselves to a diet of one kind of food
to a meal but that you should keep starches, fruits, and
vegetables separate from meats, fish, and fowl at your
"It is permissible to make a meal of just meat. In fact,
you could have several kinds of meats to a meal. You can
have butter, eggs, and cheese with the meat meal, and dark
bread, and, if you wish, coffee, or tea, but you must not
end up with anything sweet or starchy. No pies or cakes or
"Then again, your meal can be strictly starches. Then you
can indulge in all the sweet fruits, all the bread, butter,
pies, cakes, puddings, and fresh or cooked vegetables you
like with out feeling any ill effects. But keep these meals
"Butter seems to be a neutral. It can be used with either a
starchy meal or with a meat meal. Milk, however, agrees
better with starch meals. Coffee and tea should always be
taken black, never with cream, although a small amount of
sweetening will do no harm."
Note from Chet: If you liked what you just read, you'll
love "Supercharge Your Energy with Five Secret Tibetan
Rejuvenation Rites." Details at
At 11:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for such a nice information. It is glade to see that you shown interest in Tibetan diet because Tibetan diet is so different for others communities.
Have a nice day!
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